About NDA
A National Designated Authority (NDA) is a country’s focal agency or point of contact with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and stakeholders. In Belize, Ag. CEO Carlos Pol, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development (MED), was appointed by the Cabinet to act as the NDA in 2015.
The NDA plays a crucial role in facilitating, supporting, and creating an enabling environment for GCF processes within the country. The main functions of the NDA include:
Act as the focal point for communication with the GCF, Accredited Entities (AEs) and national stakeholders (including private sector actors)
Deploy readiness and preparatory support funding in the country
Convene relevant public, private and civil society stakeholders to identify national funding priorities for engagement with the GCF, through for example, the development of a Country Programme
Nominate Direct Access Entities (DAEs) for accreditation application (sub-national and national entities applying under the direct access track);
Recommend funding proposals and concept notes received from AEs that are consistent with national laws, regulations, development and climate priorities, through the implementation of the no-objection procedure;
Retain an overview of all projects and programmes relating to the country, and
Conduct annual participatory reviews of GCF-funded activities for local stakeholders, notably project-affected people and communities, including women, and disseminating their findings.
The Belize National Climate Change Committee (BNCCC), as the main existing inter-ministerial coordinating mechanism with climate change-relevant mandate in Belize, is recommended to serve as a GCF steering committee supporting the NDA in its functions.