The Field Support Services Project – Caribbean (FSSP-C) is pleased to announce its call for proposals for the Local Engagement and Action Fund (LEAF) for Belize. The LEAF is the local development initiatives grant mechanism under the FSSP-C, which is funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The main objective of the LEAF is to strengthen the support provided to organizations working in vulnerable sectors by improving access to financial resources to enhance their mandate. The application deadline is July 4, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Haut-commissariat du Canada au Belize High Commission of Canada to Belize
The themes for this call for proposals are:
• Support for Undocumented Migrant Women and Girls
• Support for Disadvantaged and/or Out of School Girls to Complete High School
For more information, you can download the following documents using the link below
• Call for Proposals document
• LEAF Application Form – Long-Term Grant
• LEAF Application Form General Guidelines
• LEAF Budget Form – Belize